
Say hi to Adele! She is the co-founder of Dronfield Music Tuition and works the finance, admin and marketing.

Adele helped Joe develop the music school through the years and has a background in design, marketing and social media. She works through all the admin, finance, marketing and development of the school. Adele and Joe have two beautiful sons together and enjoy countryside living. You’ll see her face from time to time in between her day job and the kids!

Adele, Joe and the Boys - Cornwall 2023

Adele, Joe and the Boys – Cornwall 2023

A little bit more about Adele:
  • Favourite songs: ”Well, I have two main ones, ‘Everlong’ by The Foo Fighters and ‘Slideaway’ by Oasis”
  • Can’t live without: “Our two boys, two cats, houseplants and holidays in Cornwall and Malta”
  • Break-time snack: “Has to be a flat white and a bag of Malteasers!”
  • Fun fact about Adele: “I was the first person to own a Furby in Sheffield after winning a competition in The Star and I once had a peck on the cheek from both SteveO (Jackass) & Steve Coogan!”

Adele – Co-founder, Admin, Finance and Marketing

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